
20th Annual Conference of SARIMA

Our Principal Research Officer for Research and Development attended the 20th Annual Conference of SARIMA (Southern African for Research and Innovation Management Association), in Johannesburg from the 1st to the 4th of August 2022.

The theme of the conference was ‘Research and Innovation Management for Impact’. The 4 full day conference had some interesting workshops, keynote presentations, oral and poster presentation sessions, panel discussions, and chat sessions. There were also a significant number of Exhibitors on-site to showcase their R&I products.

When asked about how what she has learned may contribute nationally, Jessica said ‘The conference was interesting and informative and is beneficial for Seychelles since we don’t have the structure for research management in place yet and the knowledge I acquired there will help set up the missing/proper structures locally in research and innovation management. Having the right structures in R&I management will facilitate the work of researchers.’

Jessica attended in her capacity as the Seychelles focal point for SADC projects for SARIMA.



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