
Certificate Presentation Ceremony for the Team Seychelles

Monday the 21st November, The group of school students who participated in the First Global Challenge in Geneva, Switzerland in October 2022 were presented with their certificates of participation.

Mikail who has been a participant and present in all the Robotic Challenges shared the appreciation on behalf of the rest of the sudents,

This year Seychelles performed better than ever before in an in-person First Global Challenge season, and we are all very happy with the results. Our great performance would not have been possible without your help. The participating in the First Global Challenge is an experience that hardensand improves active participants and prepares them for greater challenges. Having participated in the First Global four times, it is clear to me that DSTI’s First Global Challenge programe helps Seychelles’ brightest youths greatly, and the nation too. My personal experience has been great and i think that everyone else’s have been too. For this reason, we ask for you to continue your support for the First GLobal Challenge program and similar prgrams

Read more about their ranks and experience by clicking here. The certificate presentation ceremony was held at Savoy Resort in Beau-Vallon in the presence of DGs, mentors, parents, and supporters.

See below some photos of the event.



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