
Forum on STI measurement and the Uk-Brazil-Africa policy dialogue on the use of integrated data for policy development.

Our PRO for R & D, Ms. Jessica D’Unienville along with other key stakeholders and consortium members of ASTII Phase 4 and the UK-Brazil-Africa TDC programme attended the forum at the Southern Sun – The Cullinan Cape Town in South Africa from the 28th to 30th November. The main objectives of the forum is to to improve Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) measurement among least developed countries and those with poor visibility in STI for policy alignment in accordance with regional and continental STI frameworks in addition to Agenda 2030 (SDGs). Other objectives are to inform African countries on the state of STI in the continent through 4 annual forums on measurement and policies from 2022 to 2025 as well as to create platforms for high-level policy dialogue on the use of data for development policy.

Below are some photos of our PRO in attendance.



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