
Mariette Dine wins the FemBioBiz Season 4!!

Ms. Mariette Dine, the young lady behind the Fabrics is the winner of the FemBioBiz Season 4. Fabrics promotes the use of organic-based products both woven and non-woven and her mission is to provide customers with variety, authenticity, and quality textile products made from eco-friendly fibers.

Ms. Murcianne Ah-Kong is the second winner followed by Ms. Dorea Banane, who won the third prize. The ladies followed a one-week training to familiarise themselves with digital marketing and had a pitch competition at the end of their training. The FemBioBiz season 4 focused on training for resilience and imparting skills and knowledge to enterprises, academia, students, government, and civil society on how to use technology to support their enterprises for scale and impact. 

The three successful winners will be attending the regional event in South Africa in December where they will participate in a pitching competition with other women from other SANBio member state in SADC.

FemBioBiz is funded by AUDA-NEPAD SANBio with the support of BioFISA II, a Finnish-Southern-African partnership program to strengthen the SANBio network.

See below some souvenir photos of the event.



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