
Seychelles is ranked 38th out of 162 in the First Global Robotic Challenge.

This year the First Global Challenge welcomed 162 countries in the spirit of global purpose, unity, and collaboration. FIRST Global provides an opportunity for young people across the globe to leverage the power of technology, use their knowledge and abilities, and cooperate to collectively tackle the planet’s most pressing challenges.

Seychelles did not miss the opportunity to be part of this global event. The boys and girls from different schools were in Geneva, Switzerland from the 12th to the 17th of October. Team Seychelles ranked 38th out of 162 countries. All together Team Seychelles participated in 12 matches in total, in which they won 8 matches, lost 2, and had 2 ties.

Team Seychelles has always been participating in the First Global Challenge and have improved each time. Below are the rankings since 2017.

YearRankParticipantsHost Country
2017105163United Staes of America
2018126161Mexico City

About FIRST Global
FIRST Global’s mission is to inspire science and technology leadership and innovation in youth from all nations in order to increase understanding, instill the importance of cooperation, address the world’s most pressing issues, and improve quality of life for all. Bringing these future STEM leaders together in an engaging and collaborative competition drives home the importance, excitement, and applicability of STEM education and demonstrates that they can work together — even in competition — to find solutions to the world’s greatest challenges. Learn more:



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Application for Robotic competition 2021 has started