// National Innovation System (NIS)

In the development process of the STI Policy and Strategy 2015-2026, it came to light of the weakness of the National System of Innovation (NIS). Innovation is crucial to Seychelles transition to an innovation-driven-knowledge-based economy and this cannot happen without a strong and functional NIS. Knowledge plays an important role in innovation and economic development. It is especially essential as we make the transition to an innovation-driven-knowledge-based economy. It is therefore crucial that the government of Seychelles has access to an extensive pool of knowledge as the factor of production of a modern diversified economy. It is also crucial the insight and understanding of its innovation capacity in order to support industries and promote an environment conducive for innovation and businesses to thrive to enhance efficiency across government sectors and programmes. Aware of the weakness of our NIS, NISTI sought the technical support from UNIDO to assist in the mapping of the Seychelles National System of Innovation, through a dialogue initiated in 2017 in a meeting at UNIDO Head Office in Vienna, Austria.

The first phase of the mission took place in September of 2019, whereby a two-member delegation from UNIDO undertook a fact-finding mission in Seychelles.

In the fact-finding mission UNIDO consulted with multiple stakeholders including MDAs and other organization considered as key players within our innovation system. Following up from this exercise, UNIDO has proposed a project entitled “Seychelles National System of Innovation Survey”. This is to measure the characteristics of our NIS to reflect the distributions, density, strength, and quality of interactions between government and knowledge-based institutions (universities), Industry and arbitrageurs (financial support). This interrelationship between government, academia and industry is known as the triple-helix model.

The main beneficiary of the project primarily government policy-makers, who will be equipped with the knowledge and tools to measure the NIS, which will support the development of an evidence-based innovation policy.

The second beneficiary is the supporting institutions in their ability to support innovation. Having a well-mapped-out system with all links clearly identified, the government will be in a better position to make informed decisions about effective policies and support for the private sector, which is ultimately the third beneficiary of the NIS.

Proposed Framework
The project maps and measures resources the National System of Innovation in terms of the Institutional relationship and performance between the government, Knowledge-based institutions, industry and arbitrageurs. In this exercise, UNIDO will apply an innovative approach of remote Data Acquisition and Survey Instrument (DASI) and face-to-face interactions. UNIDO will work with the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) to conduct the exercise thus empowering local statisticians with new knowledge and tools. The framework UNIDO is proposing has the following components:
(i) Providing a statistically      significant set of tools and instruments for the measurement of innovation, resources and metrics with which policy management can be mapped and measured through evidence-based data and analysis;
(ii) Explaining the institutional and structural challenges faced in the policy management of the NIS;
(iii) Setting out key ideas, insights and examples of research and evidence from the survey; and,
(iv) Delineating key principles for Government of Seychelles, policy-makers and the supporting policy community in Seychelles.

4.2 The proposed framework has also a training component to empower our local cadres with knowledge on Innovation Management standards.

4.3 UNIDO will also provide Seychelles with a technical report of the Seychelles Innovation Survey analysis and policy recommendations.

4.2 The project will also provide information for the development of a comprehensive innovation policy that will be based on evidence and caters for the needs of all stakeholders and players within the economy.


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