
Africa Code Week Challenge 2021

NISTI’s role in STEM Education:

The STEM Program was officially launched in March 2019 by National Institute of Science, Technology and Innovation (NISTI). The program seeks to promote Science, Technology, and Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education among young people and to equip them with knowledge and skills that will eventually be useful to them in the future. Under the program, students from Primary to Secondary will be introduced to concepts including Basic hands-on computer training, robotics, artificial intelligence, renewable energy, internet of things and air space management in the modern age among other new and emerging technologies, better known as Frontier Technologies for the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

The organization aims to have a STEM program through the launch of STI Clubs. The aim is to have a STI Club in each Secondary School by end of 2020.


The National Institute for Science Technology and Innovation (NISTI), is pleased to announce the launch of “ Africa Code Challenge ” under NISTI’sSTEM program.  The theme of this challenge is “ Change the world with your superpowers”.

Eligibility criteria:

The competition is open to students;

  • Aged between 8 and 16 years old.
  • Individuals or Teams (Max. 5 members per team)
  • If competing in a team at least 1 female and 1 male per team.
  • Game must be coded with “Scratch”. Any version of the Scratch software can be used


  • You must produce and submit a 2-minute YouTube video explaining and showing how your game works, how it was coded and how it fits with the theme and judging criteria (see below). The video also needs to show the project Name and Logo that you or your team came up with.
  • It is recommended that your video is created using a screen capture and voice over method. This will allow the judges to clearly see the game and will avoid the need to include images of team members.
  • The time limit for the video is 2 minutes. Any video that exceeds this time limit will have points deducted.
  • Link to submit your YouTube video must be created and shared by your Local Country Organizer. Upon uploading, YouTube privacy settings must be set to ‘Public’ or ‘Unlisted’ in order to allow the judges to view the entry.

Judging Criteria

50 % Functionality & Innovation

  • Does the game work as intended?
  • Is the game easy to use?
  • Is the game imaginative?
  • Does the game include original and well written code?

25 % Community Responsibility

  • Is the game accessible for its target audience?
  • I.e., is it suitable for the age range you built it for?
  • How does the game address the theme?

25 % Communications

  • Aesthetics: does the game display correctly and look nice?
  • Creativity and design of the game’s name and logo
  • Presentation of the game on the video

Important dates:

  • Challenge launch: 25th  June 2021
  • Last date of registration: 03rd August 2021
  • Pitching competition: 09th & 10th August 2021
  • Announcement of Finalist: 13th August 2021


  • Participate to win exciting cash prizes
  • The national winners (FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD PRIZE) will get the opportunity to compete with other students on the African continent.

Applying to the challenge and general queries:

Students wishing to participate in the competition should submit their names to   Ms. Jessica Dunienville (Email, copy Mr. Joseph Raj on For more information please contact NISTI on: 4325702/4303077 or 2822458.

Registration Link :



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